Validate your project settings
The Odyssey Validator is an editor utility that helps you successfully deploy your project when using features like Instant Multiplayeror Realtime Configurator.
It tracks your project settings for correct implementation, and suggests auto-fixes when an issue arises.
Run the validator each time before you prepare your project package. It will help you catch issues that could result in packaging or runtime errors.
Running the validator
The Odyssey validator will run for you in the background to check your project settings as you make changes. You can also run it manually through the Odyssey toolbar -> Validate Odyssey Configuration.
Letting the validator auto-fix issues
As you begin using Odyssey features like Realtime Configurator or Instant Multiplayer, the validator will step in to help you.
After enabling one of these features in your project, you will see the validator notifying you that there are settings that need to be changed:
You can use the validator to hot-fix these issues:
Inspect Errors
on the validator notification Or, go back to your main World Editor window and open up the Message Log -> Odyssey Configuration Validation:
In the Message Log window, you will see all the issues reported by the Odyssey Validator. Click on the Fix hyperlink next to the message:
The auto-fix window will list all changes it wants to make for you. Click Continue to let it run the auto-fix scripts:
After continuing with the auto-fixes, you can rerun the validator. If fixes were resolved the validator should now succeed.
In C++ projects some of the auto-fix options are not available.
In these cases the validator gives you detailed information on what changes need to be made in your C++ codebase.
Last updated